
      Shareholder                                                           Share

 Odenssnus AB LLC                                                      91%

 Gevorg Sergey Nalbandyan                                         9%

Taking into account the fact that Norman Credit UCO CJSC does not carry out public placement of securities and the Organization has one shareholder, therefore the Organization does not publish the information specified in subparagraph 3 of paragraph 15 of Regulation 8/03, approved by the Resolution of the Board of the Central Bank of the Republic of Armenia No. 166-N dated June 2, 2009.

As of April 27, 2018, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was AMD 1,200,000,000, which is divided into 50,000 ordinary shares, the nominal value of each share is AMD 24,000.

As of October 31, 2018, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 504,000,000, amounting to AMD 1,704,000,000.

As of December 26, 2018, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 496,800,000, amounting to AMD 2,200,800,000.

As of July 10, 2019, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 475,200,000, amounting to AMD 2,676,000,000. It is divided into 111,500 pieces of ordinary shares, the nominal value of each share is AMD 24,000.

As of October 30, 2019, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 472,800,000, amounting to AMD 3,148,800,000. It is divided into 131,200 pieces of ordinary shares, the nominal value of each share is AMD 24,000.

As of December 11, 2019, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 472,800,000, amounting to AMD 3,621,600,000. It is divided into 150,900 pieces of ordinary shares, the nominal value of each share is AMD 24,000.

As of January 29, 2020, the authorized capital of Norman Credit UCO CJSC was replenished by AMD 955,200,000, amounting to AMD 4,576,800,000. It is divided into 190,700 pieces of ordinary shares, the nominal value of each share is AMD 24,000.

Updated 2025-01-14 15:19:12